I love soaking the fish I love how it is transformed into plump soft thick fillets .You change the soaking water boil it for a while.The saltiness is not overpowering as you would expect. I'd cooked a batch of onions,red and green peppers some fresh thyme and chilli flakes all sauted until soft and brown add a few plum tomatoes , add lots of freshly cracked black pepper add the salffish and cook until you have a reduced sauce . Mix and serve with rice, salad.
We had leftovers so I made some shortcrust pastry and baked blind and made a liason , added saltfish filling to tartlets pour the liason and bake until golden brown. Four tartlets,perfect for an lovely evening supper with a crisp green salad.
What a delicious post, in more ways than one. In Spain we also use salted cod in cooking, I love it. I find it tastier than the unsalted variety.