The year so far has been great, first I have a pattern published,now this.His highness and I spent the weekend in the country,a relaxing time was had and me being me I managed to pinpoint the local yarn shop.
It was a very old fashioned shop filled with all things acrylic,fuzzy fur. I didn't walk straight out,I had a good look around and started talking to the owner. One hour later turns out a customer had come in looking for someone to make ye olde fashioned crochet blankets,would I be interested????Yes. yes yes, of course I would .Now,that was the good part,bad part. she wanted them made in acrylic.
I'm not a yarn snob but I've never really liked using acrylic.I have been knitting for a great number of years,first using cones .I passed a city and guild in machine knitting so I remember acrylic as the stuff that squeaked and it came in horrid shades.So you can imagine my thoughts at using acrylic.
I decided to put my prejudices aside and left with a sackful of yarn. The results are quite surprising .Its been my very first time using James C Brett yarns ,a chunky random dyed yarn that in a ball looked absolutely horrendous. I started to work with the yarn and lo and behold it is a thing of beauty.I'm pleasantly surprised with the results. It s really rather nice to work with.I have to say I've enjoyed working with the yarn. I've loved the colour changes and I would be happy to work with the stuff again.
You have been a busy girl. I have a lot of James. C Brent yarns (especially the marble) and they are nice and soft. And the stripes look great in scarves. :)