Tuesday, June 12, 2007

The start of an epic day out a friend, my daughter and I decide to support worldwide knitting in public day with the group http://www.stitchandbitchlondon.co.uk/ This is the group on the steps of st pauls catheral. We hesitated for a while until my daughter said when are you going to make friends. Michelle and I laughed .We walked with them to the tate where I introduced us all and it was the start of a fun day.I would recommend joining them and don't be put off by the name. These girls are fun and very easy going and most of all welcoming. My daughter was the youngest person and she had so much fun.She knitted a scarf with some fabulous missioni cottons and has now exclaimed that you can definately feel the difference with nicer fibres. Oh, my god what can I do!!!! I guess it is time to share my stash but I'm not that generous, I have to work on that part a little more.

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